Talent close to home
IT talent from the region is enticed by major employers in and outside of the Randstad. One of the Science Park’s ambitions is to retain this talent for the region. Students from colleges in Ede, Utrecht, Arnhem and Nijmegen and Wageningen University are thus more encouraged to build careers close to home. The Science Park’s good location also contributes to this: its high-profile location, close to the A12 motorway and rail connections, makes innovation in and through the Foodvalley region visible to millions of motorists and train passengers each year.

Collaborating with education
We believe that educational institutions and companies can cooperate more intensively with each other, working together to ensure that the study knowledge acquired better matches the job profiles sought. By bringing all the parties together in the Science Park, we can ensure that the curriculum is continuously aligned with the competencies required in practice. We also want to enthuse high school students in an experience center developed especially for them. This will boost the ambition of the ICT Campus program of the Foodvalley region in terms of employment and innovation.

Regional employment
The Science Park offers some 600 jobs and the ambition is to grow to more than a thousand jobs within ten years. Official calculations show that the establishment of Info Support Science Park will boost the regional economy, with indirect employment of about another thousand jobs. Consider:
- Catering. Training sessions are held every Wednesday evening at Info Support; meals are provided by a caterer in the region.
- Hospitality. Visitors attending events come to stay overnight in local hotels.
- Other suppliers of, among other things, lunch, cleaning, printing and advertising.
Want to know more about Info Support Science Park?
If you would like to know more about our plans, use the contact form to contact us.